Monday, November 23, 2009

Weigh-in After Three Weeks

Johnnie worked us out really hard this morning; instead of parading up and down the main aisles in the gym, he got permission for us to use the childcare room for our workouts, since the aerobics room is occupied at 5:30 AM. It means having to haul weights and steps further, but we have a softer floor, and pictures of Superman all over the walls!
There are four ladies on our team; three of them had a really hard time shedding pounds this week. Our nutrition coaches tried to jump-start everyone this week, but not every idea works for every person. 1-2 pounds was about the norm - Tammy lost 6, I think, but she had just gotten some thyroid issues straightened out. She was due to have a good week. Next week we're looking for everyone to do really well.
I had a pretty good week again this week; I lost 7.6 lbs, for a total loss to date of 29.2 lbs. I started at 342.8, and I am down to 313.6. Hopefully, that "3" in front of my weight will change to a "2" in the next couple of weeks!
Tomorrow I start on the regular PHC plan, where I will have to count calories and make more food choices. It's a little scary having to take responsibility for that kind of freedom, knowing that every choice I make could have big consequences! It's not a drastic change, though, from what I'm already doing.
There will be lots of opportunities to "cheat" this week; church Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday night; then Thanksgiving itself on Thursday. I don't anticipate any problems... I'm too focused on getting out of the 300's, for the first time in a long while!


About Me

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Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.