Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Rough Start...

Sunday, I did very well. I ate my eggs and my grilled chicken, and munched on raw veggies at our church chili supper. The good news is, in the ensuing 4 days, I am down 7 pounds. The bad news is, I lost it largely because I have been sick since Sunday night. So I'm not really posting anything until this passes. I'm not eating too badly, but not really considering it as "weight loss". When I'm better, I will simply log a new starting weight, and go from there. I haven't given up or anything, just an involuntary pause.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Three years ago...

Three years ago, I began blogging about my weight loss journey. I had applied for a spot in "Augusta's Biggest Loser", a local weight loss competition, and I was chosen to be a participant in the third (and unfortunately, final) season. In the six months from November 2, 2009 to May 14, 2010, I lost 143.4 pounds, and pushed my weight down to an astonishing 199.4 pounds. The last eleven days was a starvation/exercise marathon that took me from 208 to 199. I have recounted in earlier blog posts that I kept the weight in the 215 range for a good while, and then it started creeping up as I got lazy with my eating, as well as my gym membership ending. The months from November 2011 through May 2012 were particularly devastating, as my work schedule was just crazy, and I ate what I could, whenever I could. Things kind of came to a head for me yesterday when I had one of those "he came to himself" moments after an all-you-can-eat breakfast (I did), and a church dinner last night where I piled my plate high with many of my favorite foods.
In a word, I know exactly what to do, and I'm not doing it. My treadmill sits unused; my heavy bag and weights are right where I put them when we moved; and I put things into my mouth that feed my desire instead of fueling my body. It's time to turn it around.
For anyone curious as to what I'm doing: diet - high protein, low carb. Target calories about 1000 per day. Water - all I can drink. Exercise - treadmill, heavy bag, and walking 5 miles per day. Dumbbell and body-weight exercises 3 times per week. Rest - will be going to bed earlier at night to get more sleep (tonight not withstanding - Falcons vs. Cowboys.   )
I will be writing frequently -- for me, weight loss is largely a matter of focus, and writing my thoughts out is helpful to me. Warning: if you don't want to hear about it, don't read my blog.
Let's DO this!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rough Start

Last Tuesday, I posted my weight of 259 pounds. On Thursday, I started feeling sick, and that sick feeling lasted all the way through the weekend. While I wasn't feeling well, I didn't work very hard on my eating plan, and defaulted to "easy" food. Sunday morning I got on the scale, and it read 266 -- a seven-pound gain over 5 days. Not what I was hoping for, obviously. Since Sunday, I have been very careful, and am back down to 259.

Exercise-wise, on Monday I started running again, building towards an eight-minute mile. This morning, I did intervals of running and walking, with my last "run" interval at 9.0 mph on the treadmill.

Because of my setback over the weekend, I'm now 2 pounds behind on my goal. 255 would look really good next Tuesday....

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Back At It, Again....

Hi, all.... well, it's been nearly four months since I last wrote a blog entry. Partially because I have been extremely busy with life in general; partially because that busyness has led to a lot of stress eating, poor food choices, and little energy to get much exercise in. I haven't given up; there have been periods when I have done extremely well with my diet. But they have been few and far between.

Sunday, I read a blog post by Shay Sorrells from Biggest Loser season 8. Shay was the heaviest woman to ever appear on the show (weighing in at 476 pounds). She lost 172 pounds on the show, and another 52 pounds by the season 9 finale. But she has been struggling, and documents how she even got to the point that she was not even acknowledging to others that she had ever been on the show. Her new starting point was one of honesty, and she wrote a blog about the seven mistakes she made after leaving the show.

So.... in the interest of honesty and transparency, I am re-starting my blog, and letting everyone know where I am at in my journey. I ended Augusta's Biggest Loser in May of 2010 with an "official" ending weight of 199 pounds. I probably only weighed 199 pounds for about an hour, having nearly killed myself that week to push the scale down. I actually used my vacation time the week leading up to the weigh-in, spending the week in the gym, and out in the yard, doing everything I could to notch that magic number on the scale. I was eating basically nothing but cabbage soup, taking in about 500 calories a day. I knew I would win... I knew that weeks ahead of time, just by doing the math. Coming into the last 11 days, I calculated that if I could hit 200 pounds, my closest competitor would have to lose nearly 25 pounds in that 11 days in order to catch me. So I did it, just for the ability to say that I had reached my goal of getting below 200 pounds. As soon as I got some food in me, and got re-hydrated, my weight almost immediately rose to my pre-starvation weight of 208 pounds. I managed to keep myself at a pretty respectable 215 pounds... for about 6 months. Then I moved into the season of the candy and sweets holidays -- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas... by November 2010, I was up to about 231 pounds. I struggled with the 235-lb mark for a while... then 240... then 250.... Through this holiday season, I've been struggling around the 255-260 mark. So from where I wanted to stay, I'm up about 35-40 pounds.

These are tough pounds; it's not like when I started Biggest Loser. My official starting weight was 342, but I knew that I was not at my heaviest then. I'm pretty sure at times, I was well over 350, probably pushing 360. So I've basically kept 100 pounds off for nearly two years now. But I'm not satisfied with that.

Last week I tried on my "big" coat -- the suit coat that I went on TV with to show how much I had lost. It still swallows me up, which I am thankful for. But I also tried on the suit coat that I wore to our finale, and I see how much work I have to do. So here's my goal: as of today, January 3rd, I weigh 259 pounds. I am going to try and lose 39 pounds by my birthday in April, an average of a little less than 2.5 pounds per week. (By comparison, during Augusta's Biggest Loser, I averaged over 5 pounds per week.  I started January of '10 at 280 pounds, and by my birthday that year, was down to 212 pounds.)

I will update my blog at least each week with a progress report, in the hopes that this will help serve as accountability for me. I'll also update it periodically with what I'm doing to reach my goal.

About Me

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Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.