Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Get Sick At The Worst Times...

Last night my right eye started getting really red... thought it might be allergies, since I've been doing a lot of stuff outside over the weekend. But this morning I woke up with full-blown cold symptoms, and those colds you get when the weather is warm always seem worse to me. I got home from the gym this morning with every intention of going back to bed, but after breakfast I got an email from PHC, asking if I was available to go down to the TV studio and tape one more spot for Wednesday morning's newscast. I'm not the best on-air personality in the group (that would probably have to be Lisa), but I have the most flexible schedule, and I'm the easiest to reach on short notice. Donna explained that she had been prepared to talk about childhood obesity, but since this was the last spot before the finale, she wanted to talk about us. I did my due diligence to talk about PHC when Jay threw it to me. It's not hard to do - the crew at PHC knows their stuff. I sat in the center between Jay Jefferies and Donna, but most of the spot was conversation between the two of them. I tried to look nice and stay out of the way! PHC had asked me to bring a "before" photo to the studio, so I grabbed my ABL notebook and brought all my pics. Donna was astounded - apparently no one has kept as careful a record of their experience as I have. I have taken all my blog entries, all my photos (before and during), the weight-in result charts, my personal weight charts, and put all of them into page protectors, and then into a three-ring binder. We had a lot of fun at PHC this morning looking through my pics with Donna, Savannah, and Priscilla.
I'm curious as to how the rest of the Losers, particularly those on the other team, are preparing for Friday night's final weigh-in. I do find it odd that, with all the tools available to us at Omni, I see no one working out when I'm at the gym. Maybe I just keep odd hours... I've pretty much kept the 5:30 AM workout time ever since we started, because it just seems to work best for me. I'm not on any super-secret mega-plan regarding my food; in fact, I'm not doing anything that I haven't done at some time during the competition. I have pretty much stopped sending my daily pedometer readings in to Johnnie, but I have not stopped walking. I shoot him my numbers a couple of times a week, and I still shoot for 10,000 steps every day. What's the old saying - "dance with the one that brung ya"...
We have, at this point, very little information about our finale "show" on Sunday. We all got an e-mail yesterday from the promotions manager at NBC, saying that the "makeovers" will be done on Sunday morning at 8:15 for anyone who wanted to participate. I assume that means hair and makeup for the girls; hair trims for the guys (although since Colin got a haircut and Tanner got a "buzz cut", I have more hair than anyone, and I don't need a haircut right now). I will be in church Sunday morning, and then head on over to Ft. Discovery and meet up with everyone there at 1:00 PM. I really feel torn between telling our church family to get there early, and leaving enough seats to accommodate the friends of the other 10 contestants. Jay said to me this morning, "I hear you're bringing your whole church Sunday", and I told him I was kinda waving some of them off by telling them there may not be enough seats. He just said, "hey - first come, first serve... tell them to come on!"
PHC may be having us do a photo shoot Saturday morning, but the rest of the day should be free, and we have our annual Thunder Over Augusta fireworks show Saturday night. Once the trauma of the weigh-ins is over with, it will be an enjoyable, memorable weekend. To my fellow Biggest Losers, regardless of who wins in either the male or female categories, take in the entire experience, and understand how unique this has been for all of us.


About Me

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Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.