Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Final Saturday...

Today was the last Saturday before our final weigh-in... seems hard to believe. I slept in a little this morning, after not really having gotten any good sleep since Tuesday night, and went to the gym a little before 9:00 AM. Upon arriving, I did a little warm-up and then went out back to see if anyone I knew was working out outside. It was just Johnnie and Big Mike (not the Big Mike who trains people while he eats biscuits for breakfast; Big Mike, the super-muscular, super-big guy who is always carrying a gallon jug of some concoction, and always makes a point of stopping to talk to us about how well we are doing.) Lisa was there, doing her thing on the elliptical, while her husband Ramon was in a spin class. I came back in, got on the treadmill to do some cardio, and discovered that the treadmill apparently was out of whack. Three times it put itself on pause - the first two, I thought I had done something, but quickly realized that no part of my body was anywhere near the pause or stop buttons. If you've never been running on a treadmill when someone hits "stop" without you knowing it, it's quite a jarring experience. I dutifully reported it to the front desk, where some fairly new guy whipped out a "Tempoarily (sp) Out of Service" sign. (They are good with those signs - apparently they hung one on the clothes dryer, and spent the entire day Friday telling clients that the dryer was broken and there were no towels. Not sure why it didn't occur to any of them to load up a car and haul a load to the laundromat that is pretty close by. But whatever.) I finished my workout, and headed to the house. I still wasn't feeling extremely well today, but had a lot of stuff to do. I got the oil and air filters changed in the ol' minivan, went by the church to do some stuff, came home and cooked lunch, mowed grass for Mom and Dad, took Steven shopping for Mother's Day, and some other things.
Brenda (my dear wife) went through her entire closet today... she has dropped several sizes, and it was her turn to cull through her clothes and figure out what to keep and what to give away. I'm very proud of her - without nutrition counselors or a trainer, she has dropped nearly 40 pounds in the last few months. In going through the clothes, she found my old Awana uniform - a shirt which, in its heyday, barely fit me. (For those of you familiar with Awana, it was an old gray uniform shirt. For those of you who do not know what Awana is, think boy scout uniform, but in light gray with red accents.)
Backtracking a little, I went to Omni's Walton Way branch with Brenda Friday evening. It wasn't very crowded, and I did a little cardio while she worked a bit harder than me. Lance came over and talked to me, and was very complimentary. He said that most of the guys that have gone through ABL look like they still have some weight to lose after the finale, but I was "already there - skinny". He left, and a few minutes later brought his sales manager, Jonathan, over to meet me. With a manufacturing background, I'm always wary of salespeople, but he was nice, and also complimentary.
Anyway, after supper we went to Walmart to pick up my food for the next few days, along with other things we needed around the house. All in all, a pretty normal day today.


About Me

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Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.