Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Team...

Me on Day One- November 2, 2009 - explaining who I am and
why I want to lose weight.

Just the six of us - Ed, Nandy, Tammy, Bronnie, Charles, & Lisa.
They never took our group "before" picture, so this is the
very first time we've ever all been in one shot!

The red team, with our PHC consultants and our trainer, Johnnie


About Me

My photo
Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.