Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Getting back on track...

If this seems like the hundredth blog post I've written about getting back on track, it's because weight maintenance is a life-long, never-ending battle. Anyone who says, "I'm going on a diet" is already doomed to fail, because they have already established in their mind that there will come a time when they can go back to "normal" eating. While there is a place for treats and indulgences from time to time, the "new normal" knows they have to be few and far between. When "few and far between" becomes "more often than I should", it's time to get serious.
I'm going on vacation in 3 days -- the first vacation I have taken since I started my weight-loss journey 20 months ago. This may seem like an odd time to clean up the diet; the old me would have rationalized that I'm going to be eating out a lot next week; worry about the calories when I get home. But I want to make sure that when I AM eating away from home, I'm careful and diligent. And frankly, my waistline can't wait another week! So.... lots of protein, minimal carbs, upping the exercise, and hopefully some time to learn how to rest again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wow -Two Months....

Well, it has been two months since I last penned a blog entry; but writing about my weight loss journey kept me motivated, and so I decided to take my digital "pen" in hand and write something...
As I write this, it's about 6:45 AM on Tuesday morning at youth camp. Thanks to the marvels of technology (with a D-minus to T-Mobile for failing to deliver a decent data signal out here in the middle of nowhere), I am able to read, write, etc., and share with you who may be reading.
This week, I am getting a fresh remembrance of the power of shared experiences. We have a camper with us this week who is a PHC client. Those of you who followed our journey in the media know that PHC is the weight loss center that held my hand every step of the way until I reached my finale weight. When I saw that we had a teen who was a PHC client, I realized that it had been a very long time since I have talked to someone who was going down the same road I had been down. I am watching my p's and q's this week, conscious of what I eat (mostly!), and running/walking every chance I get. I normally log about 17,000 - 20,000 steps per day at camp, and have been looking forward to this week. When I am tempted to just let my guard down and eat whatever I want to, rationalizing that I will "walk it off", I look across the way and see Katie sitting there, sipping on her water while her friends are scarfing down Yoo-Hoos and ring pops. As a leader, I have access to eat what I want, whenever I want it; very thankful that in spite of all the "kids" food we have here, we also have fresh veggies, fruits, wheat bread, and other items to keep me (and Katie) on track!
Getting ready to go back on TV for Biggest Loser; Nandy's "where are they now" story airs tonight. Sometime in August they will come knocking on my door for a follow-up interview; THERE'S some motivation... if the camera "adds ten pounds", then I have a lot of work to do!
Praying today for my friends who have shared my journey with me: Linda in south Georgia; Stephanie in Missouri; Eric in Wisconsin; and most of all, my new little PHC friend who is trying to fight the battle of a lifetime at the tender age of thirteen...

About Me

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Augusta, Georgia
I am privileged to serve as associate pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Brenda, for 22 years, and have two children, ages 20 and 18. I won the 2010 Augusta's Biggest Loser contest with a record-setting 41.83% weight loss, from 342 lbs to 199 lbs in 6 months.